Lives of innocent students, solders and staff were lost on Thursday
and through the weekend. Promising young girls and boys.
Children whose parents
worked hard to hopefully give them a decent future. Siblings the younger ones
looked up to with pride. Fathers and mothers in our forces who died during the
attack. People who left their loved ones in pain. People who never made it to
their dreams.
It is cruel. It is inhumane. It is despicable. My heart goes
out to your families.
Karma is putting on stilettos right now. This will not
go unpunished. No one can decide that someone else has had an enough life and walk
away with it whistling. Yeah, you argue that the graph was already drawn for
them et al but I am pretty sure whoever drew the 147's did not forget to draw the guerrilla's.
Oh, those terrorists will burn.
They will wail. They will be tossed and
turned in hell using spades, rakes and hoes. The prince of darkness will be
wearing a long red coat on that particular day. His chest will be bare and hairy. His
thick, chocolate, brown teeth sticking out and biting his lower lip. He will be
laughing so loud they’ll be deaf. Said laughter will echo throughout the
hell-walls. He will go round the fire shouting at their shouts to stop. And
then laughing some more.
The one forty seven will be watching from above. In white
gowns and robes. The men will be wearing brown open leather sandals. The ladies
will wear white ballet shoes. Walking with time in their hands along the cliff.
Their hair will be long and smoothly let down. Singing and dancing gracefully with
the angels. As they are probably doing now.
That is what the Bible says, Amen?
But truly, let us not be glum. I read somewhere that death by the bullet is extremely throbbing. It is excruciating. And it is not as quick and clean as they do it in the movies. Unless it is to the head or the spine, a bullet that strikes other areas of the nervous system causes a slow and painful death and loss of a looooooooooooot of blood.
So they are in a better place. It
is only a loss for us. For them, everything is perfect. Everything is as it
should be.
Rest In Peace sons and daughters of our soil.
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