
Thursday, 2 February 2012

Hi there

I must simply say, this is my first so-called blog. Yes, that's right - a virgin. Who knew?  So, having only recently given up my blog-ginity (Alright, that wasn't funny.) I find myself as of yet unsure of how exactly I intend to use this, what I intend to post, or even if I'll want to tomorrow.
That being said, I'm glad to be here and I look forward to a wonderful relationship. I think it's always courteous to start off with introductions so let me tell you a little bit about myself. I'm hoping to come up with atleast 50 things about me so come on, let's blog...

1.     My first name is Annie.
2.     I have two brothers, older and younger.
3.     I can’t blow bubbles with bubble gum.
4.     I have never smoked a cigarette or taken any hallucinogenic drug.
5.     Being a passenger is ok. I still think we’ll crash but it’s not my responsibility.
6.     I have never had any condition where I needed medical attention to survive.
7.     I have a thing for purses; I can never have enough handbags.
8.     My favorite vegetable is avocado, which is technically a fruit.
9.     I find excessive use of exclamation marks annoying.
10.  I have a serious fetish for shoes with extremely  pointy heels.
11.  I currently have 42 pairs of shoes in my closet.
12.  I graduated from Jomo Kenyatta University last year.
13.  I got my current job from the first job interview I attended.
14.  My sign is Scorpio.
15.  I have kind of an obsessive personality. When I like something, I love it.
16.  The smallest number of books I’ve read in a year was 18.
17.  The largest number of books I’ve read in a year was 64.
18.  I take serious issues with people who refuse to read.
19.  My least favorite color is gray – or grey. However you spell it, I find it depressing, but helpful at times.
20.  I’m good at tongue twisters.
21.  The mirror is my weakness.
22.  It drives me crazy when I can’t think of the word or expression to describe how I feel.
23.  I don’t own a white bra.
24.  My dad and mum are both school principals.
25.  I have both ears pierced, once.
26.  I love designing things; I also love games and puzzles.
27.  I’m completely a dog person.
28.  Puppies make my heart smile.
29.  I hope to visit Eiffel towers before I die.
30.  I’m very organized.
31.  I’m actually kind of a neat freak. It just comes and goes. Sometimes I can clean all night, just so I can wake up to a squeaky clean apartment.
32.  I like fragrant flowers, scented perfume and candles.
33.  I believe in God and consider myself a spiritual person.
34.  I love to win.
35.  But hate to see others lose.
36.  My two favorite authors are Stephen King and Sydney Sheldon.
37.  I love movies.
38.  I am kind, smart, funny, imaginative, empathetic, practical, creative, loving, a go-getter, and optimistic.
39.  My mom is my biggest hero; I’m so much like her.
40.  I’m deathly afraid of getting wrinkles.
41.  I love scary movies.
42.  I’m obsessed with web culture and technology.
43.  I have too many interests. I want to take art classes, nutrition classes, dance classes, you name it.
44.  I want to learn French – and that’s another interest.
45.  I’m a poker fanatic and you’ll never beat me at draughts.
46.  I say ‘I love you’ more times than I can count to my boyfriend every day.
47.  I stay up too late almost every night and regret it every morning.
48.  I really do love to cook and experiment with food.
49.  I’m afraid of the dark, especially when I let my imagination run wild.
50.  No matter how much I like talking about myself --- and I DO! --- I found it harder than I expected it to be to come up with 50 things to say about myself.


  1. Wow I like the way you write.I have read all your posts and I can't wait for more.

  2. aaw, thanks Anonymous! 4loving the way i write and for reading ALL my posts!


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