Alright, Alright. Just before you start judging in your head, I willingly
admit. I’ve been ruined by the internet. I was exposed to the dark depths of
its wickedness when I was still too young.
Eleven years to be exact.
And in our time, that was waaaay too young.
The said internet then crawled inside me and laid eggs. Those eggs hatched and birthed terrible tendencies that slowly consumed the
better parts of my brain (heart?) until all that is left now is a filthy layer
of reeking skepticism.
One of the many horrible side effects of this ruination is
that it now takes a lot to make me laugh. And sometimes, what tickles my fancy
is horrifically dark and disturbing stuff that should in no way cause a human
being to giggle.
So last week on one of my evil adventures, I stumbled upon
these unfortunate people who probably wished they took off days to just sleep:
Like this guy who might have to sleep at an ex's for a night or two:
Like this guy who might have to sleep at an ex's for a night or two:
Or this guy, who'll never be able to explain to his kids why he lost his job
This mum who is most definitely a teenager
And I wouldn't be surprised at all if this was Penny from Big Bang Theory
Katie, who texted on her death bed