
Thursday, 11 February 2016

High on Work

Everyone in my life, both people who know me and usually see me regularly, and those people who only know me through the computer, are under the impression that I have up and disappeared. 

I imagine that they think I have run off and joined either a coven or a convent (...could go either way), and that I have given up on the material world and am living on a tropical island wearing a skin skirt knitted from the shredded remnants of insurance documents and claim forms, eating palm fronds and trying to make wine from coconut milk. Sadly, this is not the case. Because, y'all, long after you have forgotten about all those grisly road accidents you saw reported on prime news over the festive period, we are still working to compensate them. 

SO, I have been so painfully overwhelmed with insurance work that I have completely lost contact with the world outside of my office, except I have had LOTS of contact with various clients and employees and workplaces that smell vaguely of toner ink and I have never wished more fervently that this thing we call "client confidentiality" did not exist, because if I could tell y'all what I am in the middle of right now, you would laugh until you died. And then you would buy me a box of wine, drill a hole in the top, and insert a straw, and this would be your thoughtful present to me. And I would not even complain if the wine was pink. THAT IS HOW FAR GONE I AM.

I've been working on an entry about all the festivities, I have also been trying really hard to figure out how to edit a video from our New Year's Eve party. This video is hugely entertaining to me, but I think it is maybe a little bit hard to hear, so I thought, "Well, I will just add captions to this video, which will not be hard, and then I will post it on my site and it will continue to be hugely entertaining to me, while only vaguely entertaining to others, but, hey." Only, that sentence there is evidently the height of folly, because "adding captions to mpg" has turned out to be the most complicated endeavor ever attempted by modern man, on par with air traffic control and dismantling a nuclear bomb. My smart ass soul mate suggested I download some App, so, one of these days maybe I will figure it out and then we can all witness the climax of our New Year's festivities.

PS: Would you believe it if I told you that DK and I are two days away from celebrating our first year anniversary? Would you? WOULD YOU?